Mission and Vision
Our vision (our ambition for our pupils)
To educate our pupils to become caring, happy, confident people, who can adapt to our ever-changing world successfully, whilst being ethically and purposefully engaged in making a positive impact on their world.
Our mission (how we will achieve it)
To provide a high quality, values-led international education, within a safe, stimulating environment where all are supported to achieve their best.
We value:
International Mindedness - We value the diversity of our community and seek to develop and broaden intercultural understanding, as well as celebrating and actively engaging with linguistic diversity.
Community - by being inclusive, supportive, collaborative and cooperative
Integrity - by being honest, responsible, accountable and ethical
Respect - for ourselves, each other and our environment
Kindness - by being compassionate, understanding and empathetic
Optimism - by being positive, encouraging and fostering a growth mindset
Innovation - by thinking creatively, critically and reflectively and being open to new ideas.
Everything that happens in school, reflects the values of the individual and of the school as a whole. We endeavour to role-model these values and evidence them in all that we do.
Our Key Strategies:
Fostering international mindedness in all members of our school community.
Providing effective leadership, through a distributive leadership model.
Listening to and valuing the contributions of all members of our school community.
Ensuring a safe indoor and outdoor learning environment - physically and emotionally, where everyone feels safe, happy and supported to learn.
Sharing a clear behaviour policy, including rules and expectations, which is understood and followed by all.
Specifically teaching and modelling our school values.
Expecting high quality teaching and high quality engagement in learning during class lessons, after school activities and educational outings.
Ensuring high quality, appropriate support is available for all teachers and learners
Investing in high quality resources and school campus facilities
Encouraging innovation in professional practice, which is evidence-based.
Creating a culture of enquiry in learners
Providing relevant professional development for all staff, linked to the School Improvement Plan and specific personal needs.
Delivering an engaging and challenging curriculum, suited to the needs of all learners.
Monitoring and evaluating all aspects of our provision on an ongoing basis.
Encouraging a culture of collaborative teaching and learning.
Fostering positive relationships with all stakeholders.
Developing and sustaining effective partnerships within and beyond school.
Equipping children and families with the knowledge, skills, independence and resilience to face future challenges.